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Student Experience Survey | Win $1000

2 August 2021

Take this national survey about uni for the chance to win cash prizes!

Have you started at university this year? How do you rate the experience so far? What have you liked, disliked, found confusing or wanted more of? What could be improved to make things easier for new students like you?

Or perhaps you’re about to finish your course, know what works and doesn’t, and have some awesome suggestions for how to improve the overall university journey?

Well, here’s your chance to have your say about what it’s like to be a higher education student in Australia today. By completing the Student Experience Survey (SES), you can help institutions and the government to improve course offerings, student services and campus facilities.

Who’s eligible and how it works

If you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework student in the first or final year of your course, you may be eligible to take part. Check your Deakin email to see if you’ve received an invitation from the Social Research Centre (SRC) to participate in the survey.

If you haven’t received an email but you’d still like to contribute, you can visit the survey website and click on ‘I don’t have login details’. You’ll then be prompted to enter your student number, name and date of birth for access.

The survey should only take about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your answers and program of study.

You have until Monday 23 August to complete the survey. If you have problems with access or any questions, just email [email protected]. The survey also complies with privacy laws – Deakin has only supplied information about you to that is directly relevant to this research via a secure file exchange.

Did we mention there’s cash prizes?

Your feedback is valuable! To say thank you, there’s a range of cash prizes up for grabs:

There will be four prize draws over the survey period, and the earlier you complete the survey the more chances you’ll have to win. So make sure you provide your feedback well before Monday 23 August.

Read the full prize draw schedule and the Terms and conditions.

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