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25 June 2021

Remember to look after your health as well as your grades this trimester

We’re so excited about bringing you lots more face-to-face teaching and learning activities in Trimester 2/Semester 2 (T2/S2), as well as opportunities for on-campus socialising and connecting.

But we also know that even in a ‘COVID-Normal’ environment, there may be ongoing disruptions and challenges. Intermittent lockdowns or restrictions can make both your uni and personal life a bit of a rollercoaster, so it’s crucial that you take care of yourself, physically and mentally.

Remember: while your grades are important, you can’t succeed at uni and enjoy everything that Deakin has to offer if you don’t stay happy and healthy. Here’s some ways you can look after your wellbeing.

Make the most of campus

There’s heaps of benefits that come from flexible study, but there’s also nothing like the campus vibe, which is such a big part of the university experience for many students. We encourage you to get back to campus as much as possible in T2/S2, both for scheduled learning activities; a range of social, sporting and cultural opportunities; and the many services and facilities on offer.

Darci Taylor, Senior Lecturer, CloudFirst Redesign, explains why you should spend time on campus as often as you can:

Being on campus provides those informal opportunities to discuss ideas with your lecturers and tutors, but also with your friends. It often helps your understanding to be able to sense-check something that you’ve just learned about in a seminar, class or prac. It also gives you the chance to show off the bottom half of your wardrobe that you can’t see on Zoom!

Get some decent sleep

Remember when you were a kid and you had a regular bedtime every night? Make your own bedtime routine – and switch off your devices at least an hour before bed for a more restful sleep.

Exercise regularly

Did you miss out on social sport or gym time last year, or lose motivation to stay active? Get back at it!

For super value and convenience, try out the DeakinACTIVE fitness centre on your campus – we have three great facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and a range of fitness classes on offer at BurwoodWaurn Ponds and Warrnambool. If you want to squeeze in a quick workout before or between classes, we have shower and locker facilities so you can freshen up before you head off! And with generous membership packages starting at the cost of just a couple of coffees per week, we have an affordable option to suit everyone. 

You can also download the DeakinMOVES app, which tracks your daily movement or ‘MOVES’ by collating all your other health app activity. You can set goals, commit to challenges and see how everyone else in the DeakinMOVES community is progressing.

Not a gym person? Go for a walk with a friend, use a bike to get around, take the stairs when you can or try a new sport. Who cares how you look or if you’re any good? All that matters is you’re being active while having a bit of fun.

Ditch the smokes

Make 2021 the year you quit smoking – there’s amazing help available. As soon as you stop smoking, your body begins to repair itself. Over time, your risk of life-threatening health problems, including cancer, reduces dramatically. 

We know that quitting isn’t an easy process, but we’re with you every step of the way. To start your smoke-free journey, contact the Deakin Medical Centre. We provide free Quit counselling support, so book an appointment now or visit the Quit website for amazing personalised resources.

And please remember that there’s no smoking at Deakin. This includes all of our grounds, buildings and carparks. Find out more about Deakin’s Smoke-Free Campuses Policy.

Try a digital detox

Reckon you can live without your devices for a few hours – or even a few days? Give it a go and see how time away from a screen can rejuvenate you!

Have a health check

Have you put any new or ongoing medical concerns on the backburner during the pandemic? Do yourself a favour at the start of trimester and book in for a health check. You can do this for free on campus at the Deakin Medical Centre.

Prioritise ‘you’ time

For some people, being forced to slow down during lockdown and suspend old habits or routines has been a blessing in disguise. Keep up any new-found passions and ask yourself what’s really important to you. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’ to activities when you’re feeling depleted, make time each day to do the things you love and don’t over‑schedule yourself.

Know that your feelings are valid

Pay attention to your emotions and recognise that they may fluctuate at times. Talk to a friend or download an app like Smiling Mind to practise meditation. If you start to feel excessively stressed or anxious, withdraw from friends and family, or notice unusual symptoms or emotions, it might be wise to seek some help.

Ask for help

For emergency, 24-hour support, contact LifeLine or SuicideLine. Deakin also has a range of student support services:

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