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27 April 2021

Melbourne-Bandung Innovation Series: attend two workshops and you could win a range of prizes

SPARK Deakin have joined forces with The City of Melbourne and The Greater Hub at the School of Business & Management, Institute of Technology Bandung (Indonesia) to deliver you the four-part virtual Melbourne-Bandung Innovation Series this year.

After running the first successful Melbourne-Bandung Innovation Series in 2020, we’ve received federal government funding to deliver another exciting program in 2021. This year, the sessions will give attendees a unique opportunity to hear how leaders and entrepreneurs from Melbourne and Bandung have tackled Shared City Challenges in a COVID-19 landscape, ask them questions, and explore different approaches and key lessons learned through innovation.

You’re invited!

We invite all Deakin students to take part in this unique international opportunity to learn, collaborate, and play a role in the COVID-19 recovery of their immediate community.

If you missed the first session in late March on Inclusive Entrepreneurship, make sure you attend the next three upcoming sessions. Why, you ask? 

Attend two workshops for your chance to win prizes

By attending the free workshops, not only will you be contributing innovative solutions to global problems, but you could give both your career and finances a boost!

At the end of the 2021 Melbourne-Bandung Innovation Series, you will have the opportunity to participate in a pitch competition for your chance to share in the cash prize pool of $4000 among other professional perks. To be eligible to join this competition, you must have attended at least two of the workshops.

The competition will be beginner-friendly and will be split into two streams: ideas and start-up pitches. If you’re a beginner, we recommend you join the ideas stream since there is no requirement to have a working prototype — your only requirement is that you bring your passion for solving the challenges our cities are facing!

Register now to attend the next workshop! 

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