Love STEM? Share your passion and boost your CV as a mentor to high school students
We're recruiting volunteer In2science mentors for Trimester 2. You'll inspire high school students and it's also a great way to increase your employability!
We're recruiting volunteer In2science mentors for Trimester 2. You'll inspire high school students and it's also a great way to increase your employability!
This short online module will teach you more about power and privilege, and help to prepare you for future relationships, careers and other life experiences.
Friday 31 March is Trans Day of Visibility. Here's how you can be visible, access useful resources or show your support.
We want Deakin to be a welcoming space for everybody – here’s how you can practise your faith while you’re on campus or learn more about the holy month of Ramadan.
Respect at Deakin means that everyone feels safe, supported and included. This 'Respect at Uni Week', learn how you can both give – and receive – respect.
Wednesday 8 March is International Women's Day. We're shining a light on some incredible Deakin women who are determined to see gender equality become a reality.
We want Deakin to be a great place to study, work and spend time. But it takes all of us to keep our culture positive, safe and inclusive. Here's what you can do.
As part of this important strategy, we pledge to shine a new light on First Nations Peoples and communities, provide an Indigenous experience for all our students and walk together to achieve true reconciliation.
Help Deakin celebrate our diverse community by marching in the 2023 Pako Festa Parade – register by 17 February.
From the right to education to equal pay, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights established the indivisible and inalienable rights of all humanity. As we mark Human Rights Day, here's how you can help to ensure they apply to everyone.
International Day of People with Disability is this Saturday 3 December. Hear from current students on how to see the individual rather than their disability – and discover what support is available at Deakin.
It can be confronting to stand up in the face of behaviour that disrespects women, but this is how we'll all help to end gender-based violence. During this year's 16 Days of Activism campaign, discover how to call it out every day.