Mahin Maleki

PhD Candidate

Mahin Maleki graduated with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in chemical engineering, both with honours. During her bachelor and master she has developed multiple skills in her field of study. As a bachelor student she was interested in computer simulation of mechanical and chemical processes including transport phenomenon in microfluidic devices. During her master she worked on nano catalysts and photocatalysts synthesis, characterization, and performance evaluation in CO2 reforming of methane and wastewater treatment using visible light sensitive nano photocatalysts under supervision of Professor Mohammad Haghighi. She has shared her master research outcomes in terms of multiple journal and conference publications. After moving to Australia, she has started her PhD at Deakin IFM under supervision of Dr. Minkyung Kang, Professor Maria Forsyth and Professor Patrick Howlett to conduct research in a very new field in nano electrochemistry, developing scanning electrochemical cell microscopy method for battery electrodes, to have a share in Australia’s and worlds sustainable future.