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Deakin Abroad student Keegan in Mahidol

22 May 2024

Keegan’s study abroad adventures: from exchange to alumni ambassador!

Have you got the travel bug? You can travel while receiving credit towards your degree AND get funding to do it, through the New Colombo Plan (NCP). 

The NCP is an Australian Government initiative which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo–Pacific by supporting Australian undergraduates to live, study and intern in the region.

The NCP provides funding to Australian universities to support:

Deakin’s 2024 New Colombo Plan Alumni Ambassador, Keegan Marsh, a Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce and Master of International Relations student, shares his NCP mobility grant experience and how it has enhanced his studies, contributed towards his future aspirations, and granted him unique memories to last a lifetime.

Last year marked a significant milestone in my academic and personal development through the New Colombo Plan (NCP). Having the opportunity to study abroad multiple times — from the United Kingdom at the University of Exeter, in Italy at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, to Czechia at Masaryk University — my experience in Thailand at Mahidol University, funded by the NCP Mobility Program, was distinctively enriching.

Unlike my previous exchanges, in Thailand I encountered culture shock for the first time. This offered me a pivotal moment for both my personal growth and my aspirations in diplomacy.

Deakin Abroad student Keegan in Mahidol with friendsEngaging with domestic students from Mahidol University, and international students from China, Indonesia, and the United Kingdom, was undoubtedly the highlight of my short-term exchange program. My friendship with Sean, a student at Mahidol University who is fluent in both Thai and English, particularly enriched my experience. With his guidance, we explored local neighbourhoods and dived into the authentic Thai culture, visiting places that were favourites among locals. This relationship transcended typical social connections, illustrating the profound value of cultural exchange.

One memorable moment was delving into the differences and similarities in our food, particularly with pad kee mao.

Despite anticipating the enjoyment of my favourite meal in its country of origin, I found the authentic Thai version surprisingly different from what I was accustomed to in Australia. This discovery, shared with my peers, highlighted the fascinating ways food and culture adapt across borders.

Deakin Abroad student Keegan in Mahidol with friendsThis experience underscored the NCP’s importance in offering Australian students invaluable opportunities to deepen their understanding of the Indo-Pacific region. The region’s immense diversity and significance on the global stage provide students with unparalleled insights into different cultures, economies, and geopolitical dynamics. Such understanding is crucial for anyone aspiring to make a meaningful impact in fields ranging from international relations to global commerce.

The NCP blends academic learning with real-world experience, moving beyond traditional classroom settings to immerse students in new cultures, forge lasting friendships, and gain perspectives that are impossible to acquire from textbooks alone.

Additionally, the NCP equips students with skills essential in a globalised workforce, such as language proficiency and adaptability in diverse cultural settings, making them highly valued by employers worldwide.

What am I looking forward to in the future? I am excited about the possibility of studying abroad again in the Indo-Pacific, this time in my new role as the 2024 New Colombo Plan Alumni Ambassador for Deakin. This opportunity is not just a continuation of my journey but a testament to the transformative power of the NCP, which has significantly shaped my academic and career aspirations as well as my personal growth.

As the 2024 NCP Alumni Ambassador for Deakin, I encourage all students to explore what the NCP offers. The experiences, knowledge, and friendships gained are invaluable, benefiting participants personally, academically, and professionally. Engaging with the NCP is not just an investment in your education; it’s an investment in your future as a global citizen.

Ready to apply for an NCP Scholarship?

To apply for an NCP Scholarship, you must meet the eligibility criteria and be nominated by Deakin.

Applications for 2025 close on Sunday, 16 June 2024find out all you need to know about applying.

If you’re interested in a short-term study abroad opportunity with an NCP mobility grant instead, like Keegan, find out more via the Study abroad website and keep an eye out on Deakin Life to see what’s coming up for the rest of 2024. Keep in mind that your course map will determine which mobility program is most suitable for you.

So, what are you waiting for? Apply today and gain a global perspective while earning credit towards your degree!

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