Writing and Community Creative Research Reading – 7th October 1.30pm

Writing and Community researches the interpenetration between creative-writing practices and ideas of community, broadly conceived. This research cluster is concerned with the ways in which literary and extra-literary discourses—especially those concerned with community, identity, nationhood, regionalism, environment, and Country—are mutually informing. We are interested in projects that deal with the major literary forms (prose fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, script), as well as emergent and transmedial forms in both digital and analogue articulations.

The cluster is interested in interdisciplinary practices that allow new articulations of community and identity. We are especially interested in projects that are concerned with pressing contemporary issues that have an impact on both local and transnational communities, such as climate change, human rights, and animal rights. We are also particularly interested in works that engage with the relationship between so-called creative and critical modes of understanding.

NEXT: Writing and Community Creative Research Reading Invite

When: Thursday, 7 October 2021 at 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm.

Location: https://deakin.zoom.us/j/83685535278?pwd=YU94RTc2VG1CTzlSd0NKbEptUWZuZz09