Indigo Perry – “Cleaning the House” – Marina Abramovic Workshop

This coming April, faculty member Indigo Perry will take part in the Marina Abramovic Institute’s Cleaning the House workshop in Avia, Greece.

Held in a natural setting, the five-day workshop is on the Abramovic Method, a durational approach used for training both performance artists and audiences of performance art; participants will work on establishing intense focus through a series of stringent conditions and the repetition of rhythmic exercises and tasks.

The workshop is run according to strict rules:

  • All cellphones, laptops, watches, and electronic devices will be collected. 
  • Participants should refrain from eating or speaking.
  • The instructions of each exercise will be explained at the moment of execution.

Indigo will write about her experience of the workshop, both in memoir form and in scholarly work about autobiographical practices.