Meg McCamley shortlisted for 2022 AAP Postgraduate Presentation Prize

Congratulations to Deakin Philosophy HDR student Meg McCamley, who has been shortlisted for the Australasian Association of Philosophy 2022 Postgraduate Presentation Prize!  

The shortlist is: 

  • Meg McCamley – ‘Enactive Behaviour Analysis’
  • Raphael Morris – ‘Sealioning: A Discursive Autoimmune Disease’
  • Nick Willis – ‘Innovating over gappy resources ? blame and hermeneuticalinjustice’
  • Brandon Yip – ‘What is Moral Disgust?’

Those shortlisted will present their papers in the first week of the online
2022 AAP Conference, June 28-30, with the winner announced at the closing
session of the Conference on July 7:

More information about the prize, including full details of the shortlisted
papers, can be found here:

Launch for “Merleau Ponty with an Australian Accent,” 2 June 2022

The new video Merleau-Ponty with an Australian Accent, co-produced by Deakin’s Dr Marilyn Stendera and featuring a number of prominent Australian philosophers including Deakin’s Dr Helen Ngo, and Prof. Jack Reynolds, will be officially launched on 2 June 2022.

Merleau-Ponty with an Australian Accent features interviews with Maurita Harney, Jack Reynolds, Andrew Inkpin, Marguerite La Caze, Fiona Utley, Jane Lymer, Helen Ngo, and Ryan Gustafsson, on the Phenomenology of Perception and its impact and influence of their work and thinking—together with the remix video art of David Greenhalgh.

The launch features the video’s world premiere, followed by a discussion with developers of the video and interviewees, Fiona Utley, Marilyn Stendera, and Ryan Gustafsson (Australia), and other interviewees as well: Maurita Harney, Jack Reynolds, Marguerite La Caze, and Andrew Inkpin (Australia). The discussion will be hosted by David Morris (Canada). This will be followed by a question and answer session with attendees. The launch is via a Zoom meeting, on 2 June, 9:00h-11:00h EST (Montreal). It is free but requires registration

The film will be premiered during the launch via the series site After the launch it will be permanently available for streaming. 

The Philosophy and the History of Ideas Affiliated Research Team is proud to have contributed to the production of ‘Merleau-Ponty with an Australian Accent’.

“Putin’s War and the Role of Religion,” 5 May 2022

The Religion, Society and Culture Network at Deakin University presents

‘Putin’s War and the Role of Religion’ 

Thursday 5 May 2022, 3:30 – 5:30pm (AEST) via Zoom. 


  •  A/Prof. Matthew Sharpe, ‘Aleksandr Dugin, Eurasianism, and the Ukrainean Invasion’ 
  • A/Prof. Cai Wilkinson, ‘”Foie Gras, Oysters and Gender Freedoms”: Russia’s Intimate Geopolitics and the Invasion of Ukraine’ 
  • A/Prof. Anna Halaffof, ‘Putin, Religion and Anti-cosmopolitan Terror’ 
  • with discussant Prof. Greg Barton

This is a free event, but registration is required. Click here to register and for more information about the speakers and their presentations. 

Conceptions of contemplation in Greek and Roman philosophies

A/Prof. Matthew Sharpe will be presenting on Thursday 7 April 2022 1-2pm, via Zoom, as part of the Contemplative Studies Centre’s new interdisciplinary colloquium series, ‘Wise words: A deep dive into contemplative science’.

Conceptions of contemplation in Greek and Roman philosophies

The possibility of a contemplative way of life was widely recognised in ancient Greek and Roman thought. Aristotle conceives of the bios theoretikos as the highest form of life, on grounds of its pleasures, its objects, and its independence. Even the Stoics and Cicero, who valorise the active life of public service, each recognise that humans have a distinct contemplative capacity whose fulfilment will be part of the best life. Yet, to the extent that we presently identify philosophy with rational argumentation, this dimension of ancient philosophy has often been overlooked. This seminar will explore conceptions of contemplation (theoria), the contemplative life (bios theoretikos), as well as specific contemplative practices, across different philosophical schools, including Aristotle, the Stoics, and Epicureans.

This event will be facilitated by Associate Professor Nicholas Van Dam, Director of the Contemplative Studies Centre. There will be an opportunity for Q&A at the end.

Click here to register for the event.

Cathy Legg interviewed in Figure/Ground

Deakin Philosophy’s Dr Cathy Legg was recently interviewed at length by Laureano Ralón for Figure/Ground, on C.S. Peirce’s pragmatism and its ongoing relevance. 

This rich array of Peirces can seem like completely different philosophers. But I prefer to see them like scattered initial excavations of a ruined city, which ultimately presents a strongly integrated and brilliant plan.

The interview is available here.

Telos Press Podcast: Matthew Sharpe on Albert Camus, Political Engagement, and the Contemplative Life

A/Prof. Matthew Sharpe was interviewed on the Telos Press Podcast hosted by David Pan.

In their conversation they discussed the ways Albert Camus engaged himself politically during his life; how Camus justified his aesthetic work in relation to his political activity; how he responded to critiques of his focus on contemplation rather than political engagement; and how he understood the relationship between aesthetic contemplation and philosophical contemplation.

You can listen to or download the podcast here.