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New book from George Duke: “Aristotle and Law: The Politics of Nomos”

A/Prof George Duke’s new book, Aristotle and Law: The Politics of Nomos, has just been published with Cambridge University Press:

In Aristotle and Law, George Duke argues that Aristotle’s seemingly dispersed statements on law and legislation are unified by a commitment to law’s status as an achievement of practical reason. This book provides a systematic exposition of the significance and coherence of Aristotle’s account of law, and also indicates the relevance of this account to contemporary legal theory. It will be of great interest to scholars and students in jurisprudence, philosophy, political science and classics.

Congratulations George!


Event: Eurasianism and the Globalisation of the New Right

Tuesday 19 November 2019 , 8:30 am-5:30 pm

Venue: N3.11 REDI multi purpose, Burwood campus, Deakin University

Preregistration: email [email protected], [email protected]



Session 1:

8:45-10 am: (keynote) Tamir Bar-On, “Analyzing the Charlottesville Statement: Alt-Right, New Right, or Old Right?”


Session 2:

10:15-11-45: Imogen Richards, Matteo Vergani, Maria Rae, “‘Political philosophy and the Australian far-right: A mixed-methods analysis of philosophical, political, and far-right media discourses’.


Session 3:

12-1:15: (keynote) Robert Horvarth, “Putin’s fascists: Russkii Obraz and the politics of managed nationalism in Russia.'”


Session 4:

2:15-3:00 Filip Slaveski, ‘Are they all as bad as each other?’ Communists, fascists, and plain old bandits in Soviet Ukraine, 1939-1950 and today.’

3-3:45: John Morss “International Law as Higher Populism​”


Session 5:

4:00-4:45: Geoff Boucher, “Critical Theory on Authoritarian Populism Today: Testing the Communicative Perspective”

4:45-5:30: Matt Sharpe, “Critically, Trump’s: A Survey of Critical-Theoretic Responses to the New Right Populist Wave”

Event: Philosophy and the Far Right from Weimar to Charlottesville

Monday November 18, 12 noon to 5:30 pm

Burwood Corporate Centre, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood

Download the flyer here

We live in times of increasing political polarisation, wherein forms of Rightist mobilisation long considered impossible after 1945 are re-emerging across the globe, and new prospective “organic intellectuals” appeal to specifically philosophical sources to shape, vindicate, and direct these ‘movement(s)’.  It has often been thought that the antiliberal Right was anti-intellectual, and that its populism speaks against any real political and philosophical ideas informing their movements.  However, from shortly after 1789, reactionaries against modern ideals of liberty, equality and cosmopolitanism have developed theoretical perspectives to justify their hostility to liberalism, democracy, feminism, social democracy, socialism, and multiculturalism.  This event will critically examine the ideas of today’s New or Alt-Right thinkers, and their uncomfortable crossovers with more established philosophical perspectives, led by thinkers like Nietzsche, Schmitt and Heidegger.  Our keynote, Professor Ron Beiner (Toronto) is the author of one of only a few studies of these troubling and important phenomena, and our discussant, Professor Tamir Bar-on (Tecnológico de Monterrey) is a leading expert on the European and global New Right.


12-1:30: Opening plenary session: Pr. Ron Beiner, “Dangerous Minds in Dangerous Times”

2-2:40: Rory Jeffs, “The Danger of Idols: On Ronald Beiner’s Dangerous Minds and the Case of Nietzsche’s Politics”

2:40-3:20: As. Pr. Geoff Boucher, “The Frankfurt School and Authoritarian Politics: Classical Positions, New Insights”

3:20-4 pm: As. Pr. Matthew Sharpe, “Golden Calf: Reading Deleuze’s Nietzsche in the Time of Trump”

4:15-5:30: Closing plenary discussion, Pr. Ron Beiner and Pr. Tamir Bar-On

‘Gloomy Sunday’: Deakin Philosophers talk Suicide on The Philosopher’s Zone

Gloomy Sunday,’ an exploration of the philosophy of suicide – and the risks involved in philosophising in public about suicide – was broadcast on ABC Radio National’s The Philosopher’s Zone on Sunday 8 September.

The piece is presented and produced by Deakin’s A/Prof Patrick Stokes and features Deakin’s Dr Jon Roffe and Dr Valery Vinogradovs alongside the University of Melbourne’s A/Prof Justin Clemens and Prof. Jane Pirkis.

You can listen to the program here, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Who Needs the Humanities?

“It’s clear,” says Dr Bowden, “that the design of new, marketable technologies requires input from Humanities scholars who are well placed to understand the human dimensions and impacts of these technologies, and to articulate the ethical frameworks that should guide their functioning and use.”

On Wednesday 31st July, Deakin’s Dr Sean Bowden will be facilitating a panel discussion on the topic Who Needs the Humanities? at the NGV’s Clemenger Auditorium (tickets are still available via the link). Joining Sean will be: 

  • Prof Joy Damousi, Professor of History at the University of Melbourne and current President of the Australian Academy of the Humanities.
  • Prof David Lowe, Alfred Deakin Professor and Chair in Contemporary History, Deakin University.
  • Prof Robert Stern, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield and current President of the British Philosophical Association.
  • Dr Miriam Bankovsky, Senior Lecturer in Politics and Director of the Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics, La Trobe University.
  • Dr Emily Potter, Senior Lecturer in Literary Studies and Associate Head of School (Research) in the School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University.

Ahead of the event, Dr Bowden and panelists spoke to Deakin’s Disruptr Magazine about defending a place for the humanities in the twentieth century. 

The value of Humanities research might often be difficult to pin down. But this is only because it is as multi-dimensional as the human world in which we live.