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writing in a journal

October 21, 2022

Write for your audience

Know thy audience 

Who are you writing for? The style of writing you use may differ depending on your target audience. It may be appropriate to use more formal writing styles when you’re writing for expert audiences like academics and researchers compared to writing for an undergraduate audience. That being said, writing for novice audiences will almost always benefit everyone, as plain, simple language is easier to digest.  


Empathise with your users. Don’t assume you know what they need or want to know. Take advantage of any UX research already conducted by your division or institution if available. Some useful activities to help with your problem identification include: 

Define and ideate 

Having now completed your research phase, don’t be tempted to jump straight into problem solving mode!  

Get to writing 

There are a few things to consider when you’re getting ready to write your content: 


Seek feedback from users if you can. You can ask the DX team to help, or volunteer to tag along to an Experience Lab session (previously called the UX Café) to chat with students directly.  

As a reminder, quantitative data such as pageview analytics can be great, but sometimes need to be taken with a grain of salt. High pageviews can mean awesome, high-use content, but it could also mean people visit your content with high expectations, only to quickly leave your site again when the content isn’t what they expected.  

And finally, once you’ve written amazing content, DON’T FORGET ABOUT IT! Consider scheduling a semi-regular review (like once a trimester, or once a year) to ensure your awesome content stays awesome, accurate and free from errors and broken links. 


This post was authored by Rachael Wilson.

Posted byElizabeth Delacretaz

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