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9 August 2023

Are you a procrastinator? Here are simple ways to curb this unhelpful habit – starting now!

‘Lazy. Undisciplined. Unmotivated. Disorganised.’

These are just some of the unflattering personal characteristics often attributed to the act of procrastinating – where you unnecessarily and voluntarily delay doing something, even though you know there may be negative consequences.

If you have a tendency to put off completing tasks until the last minute, don’t be unkind to yourself. It’s a very common habit among people from all walks of life! You may be surprised to learn that procrastination is more likely to be about managing your emotions than your time – for example, feelings like anxiety, being overwhelmed, a lack of motivation in your course, perfectionism, or fear of failure.

While procrastination is relatively prevalent, it can create a lot of unnecessary stress. As well as making your uni assignments harder, procrastinating can also affect your health and wellbeing. But don’t stress! There’s some simple strategies you can implement to make your study a more positive experience.

How to put a stop to procrastinating

While procrastination comprises a strong element of avoidance, it is very much an active process – you’re choosing to do something else instead of your work. You need to recognise that you’re doing it and remember that the reward and relief of finishing an assignment you’re proud of will feel way better than the quick fix you get from procrastinating.

Here’s some simple and practical ways to focus on your study:

  1. Start right now – once you get the ball rolling, it’s much easier to return to something that you’ve already started. It can also help to tackle the least pleasant aspects first, so you get them out of the way early. 
  2. Set realistic or SMART goals – don’t attempt to do a whole assignment in one night. Break down your work into smaller, more achievable tasks, and try to complete them one at a time. One great tool to use is the Pomodoro Technique, a popular time management strategy that divides your studies into easily completed pieces. 
  3. Ask someone to check up on you – feeling accountable to someone else can help you stay focused. You could try a self-monitoring app like Procraster or even start a study group. Collaborating with your classmates can make study more fun and may even give you a fresh perspective on tricky concepts you’re struggling to understand.
  4. Minimise distractions – turn off your phone, avoid checking email and ignore the temptation to monitor your social media feeds.
  5. Reward yourself – do something you love after completing each task (instead of doing it beforehand).
  6. Plan ahead – mark dates and times for study in your diary or use our online study planner.

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