Faculty and School of Architecture and Built Environment professional staff recently attended the Tertiary Education Management Conference (TEMC) 2017 conference in Melbourne.

The conference challenged staff to think about the way they market themselves internally to colleagues about the services and support they offer. The message being that great outcomes can be achieved often when we engage people well.

Attendees were encouraged to get to really know yourself and take time out to allow your mind to wonder and be creative, challenge yourself and try new things, empathize with others and really celebrate the ‘small wins’ in both your personal and work life.

Another important learning was ‘celebrating’ failure. A fear of failure holds us back from being innovative but without failure, learnings can’t be had, and the discussions highlighted that failure shouldn’t be reproved or critiqued, but rather commended and appreciated.

All in all staff who attended agreed the speakers and workshops were inspiring and it was a fantastic experience to meet professional staff from other institutions.

Monique, Kate, Chandi, Leigh and Kathryn would encourage professional staff to attend the next TEMC event.