Cassandra Atherton

Cassandra Atherton


Cassandra is an international expert on prose poetry and a widely anthologized prose poet. She was a Harvard Visiting, sponsored by Stephen Greenblatt and her recent publications include: Prose Poetry: An Introduction (Princeton, 2020); Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry (MUP, 2020), The Unfinished Bomb: Shadows and Reflections (Rowman and Littlefield, 2019); Leftovers (Life Before Man, 2020). She is currently writing a book of prose poetry on the atomic bomb, with funding from the Australia Council and Creative Victoria.

Cassandra is Associate Head of School (Teaching and Learning) and Deputy Chair of the Curriculum Standards Committee. She teaches Classics & Trash and Designing Fiction. Her areas of research include prose poetry, ekphrasis and atomic bomb literature (specifically hibakusha poetry).

She is series editor for the US publisher, MadHad Press; series editor for Australian publishing house, Spineless Wonders; associate editor at Axon: Creative Explorations and commissioning poetry editor at Westerly magazine.


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