AI and Literary Studies – SEMINAR 4 May 5pm

AI and Literary Studies Seminar

5-7pm Thursday 4 May 2023, on zoom.

Please write to Andrew Dean ([email protected]) if you would like further details and the zoom link.

Reading and Writing Futures at Deakin is proud to be hosting an international seminar on artificial intelligence and its implications for literary studies. In a moment when the technologies of writing are transforming and changing at a remarkable speed, the seminar will gather researchers from the UK, New Zealand, and Australia working in the area.

Speakers will address four key areas:

  • how to theorize AI;
  • using AI to contribute to literary reading;
  • drawing on AI for creative writing;
  • the challenges and potentials of teaching in an AI-enabled environment.



Geoff Boucher (Deakin, ‘Intellectual Labour Power’).

James Smithies (King’s College London, ‘Emergence Theory’).

Respondent: Katherine Bode (ANU).


Rebecca Roach (Birmingham, ‘Intelligent Chat and Literary Methods’).

Dan Bedggood (Canterbury NZ, ‘Jeanette Winterson & Iain M Banks’).

Respondent: Christopher Thomson (Canterbury).

Creative response: Antonia Pont (Deakin).

Teaching: Andrew Dean (Deakin).