Upcoming Symposium: The Return of Religion in Contemporary Continental Philosophy

The below symposium may be of interest:

“The Return of Religion in Contemporary Continental Philosophy”

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014, in the 1888 Building, The University of Melbourne.

A Symposium sponsored by the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy and The Committee for the Study of Religion in the University of Melbourne.

9:30 am              Dr Justin Clemens (Melbourne): The Return to Religion in Contemporary Continental Philosophy.

10:30 am           Dr Petra Brown (Deakin): The Weakness of God: Divine Possibility Beyond Opposition.

11.15:am             Bryan Cooke (Melbourne): Economimesis: Capitalism as Religion in Benjamin and Agamben.

12.00: pm         Jason Freddi (Hon Research, UD) “Pure Violence.

12:45pm            Lunch

1:45 pm              Professor Greg Barton (Monash) War in Syria and Iraq.

2:45 pm              Dr Nick Heron “Between Economical and Political Theology”.

3:30 pm             Panel and Open discussion

5:00 pm             Conclude


Inquiries            Ian Weeks   0418 565 552

Meals are not provided.