The philosophy seminar series recommences this afternoon!

The philosophy seminar series kicks off for 2015 on Tuesday March 10, 4.00-5.30pm, in room C2.05 on our Burwood campus.

Virtual Meeting Point: ARTSED VMP SHSS. Direct dial number: (+613) 5223 9354. On joining a VMP, see here.

Dr George Duke (Deakin University), “Aristotle’s Constitutional Theory”

Abstract: This paper seeks to develop and defend a broadly Aristotelian account of constitutional legitimacy. Section one maps out similarities and differences between the Aristotelian politeia and modern constitutions. Having established the applicability of Aristotle’s theory of the politeia to contemporary debates on constitutional legitimacy, in section two I argue that Aristotle’s appeal to the common advantage offers better material for a normative justification of the validity of the constitution than concepts such as constituent power and popular sovereignty.

Bio: Dr George Duke is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Deakin University. His current research interests include natural law jurisprudence and the legal thought of Aristotle.

The program for the coming weeks can be found here. For any inquiries, please contact Sean Bowden.

aristotle george duke