John Morss on ‘collectives’ – seminar on October 13

Dr John Morss (Deakin University), “The collective, the shared, and the plural: a broad and shallow interdisciplinary conspectus”


The collective, the plural, and the shared, among which there may be some family resemblances, play a range of roles and enjoy a range of status across the disciplines. There are diachronic as well as synchronic dimensions to this enquiry, for these features have a history and some of that history is shared. In this paper psychology (including psychoanalysis), law and a selection of other disciplines will be cursorily scrutinised with a view to shedding light on the shape and the significance of these issues and, it is hoped, stimulating some interdisciplinary conversation.


John R Morss (Deakin Law School) obtained his degrees in Psychology in the UK in the last millennium and his degree in Law in NZ in this one. He has previously taught in the Universities of Ulster and Otago and has been a research fellow/visitor on three occasions at Cambridge, and at the EUI, Florence. He is the author of three and a half monographs and three co-edited collections among other publications. His current focus is the advocacy of a ‘collective turn’ in the theory of public international law.

Where and when:

Tuesday 13 October, 4.00 to 5.30pm, Burwood Campus, N3.11 (*** Please note the new room ***)

Hosted by the European Philosophy and History of Ideas Research Group (EPHI) and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

For any inquiries, please contact Sean Bowden.