Frequently Asked Questions

NZ People Leaders Pilot Only

Applying for the program

What is the eligibility criteria for training?

Participants need to be based in New Zealand, and work in managerial, supervisory or leadership roles, preferably client-facing.  If you are interested in the complimentary people leaders training, please contact us to discuss your eligibility.

Can I just sign up for parts of the program, not the full program?

No, participants need to sign up for the full program. This is because: 

  • Whilst some of you may have completed MHFA® previously, a) it is an MHFA® requirement to re-new your accreditation every 3 years, and b) the module you completed may differ to the MHFA® for workplaces module (what is offered via CoU in NZ). 
  • The people leaders pilot program is both a training and research program, and in order for us to measure the research activities, participants must have completed the full program. 
  • The booster session is a continuation of what was learnt in both the supportive leadership training (SLT) and MHFA® sessions. 

Program Training and Research Components

What does training involve for the people leaders pilot? What is the time commitment for this program?

Allow a total time commitment of between 12-14 hours, spread over 11 weeks:

  • 5 hours of self-paced online elearning/pre-course reading (Compulsory, must be completed prior to first MHFA® session; weeks 1 – 3)
  • 2 x 3 hour Mental Health First Aid® (MHFA®) Training – live Zoom (week 4)
  • 2 hours Supportive  Training (SLT) – live Zoom (week 6)
  • 1 hour Booster Sessions – live Zoom (not optional, and required to receive full CPD points for members of CAANZ; week 11).
Why is there a research component to the Counting on U program? What does it involve? How many surveys do participants need to complete?

Counting on U’s people leaders pilot is a research program that has received funding from Deakin Business School. As such, one of the conditions for funding is for us to understand the program’s effectiveness before it can be offered to a wider participant cohort.

You will be asked to complete two short surveys – one following the SLT module (<5mins), and a second survey following the Booster session (<10mins). NB: you may be invited to provide separate feedback to MHFA® New Zealand on the MHFA® modules; this is not part of Deakin’s research surveys)

Must I complete the research component?

CoU is a training and research program. Whilst the research component is not compulsory, it is [a small time sacrifice in exchange for receiving a free and accredited training program that will cost future participants a minimum of NZD $650 + GST or more.

How do I find out how many surveys I have already completed?

You can email [email protected] to find out how many surveys you have completed. 

Are the sessions optional?

The Counting on U sessions are not optional. You must attend all your scheduled sessions to fulfill the requirements of the program and receive CPD points as a member of CA ANZ. 

Can I just do the MHFA® component of the program?

Unfortunately, no. CoU is both a training and research program, and in order for us to measure the research activities, participants must have completed the full program. If you would like to complete the stand-alone MHFA® course, please head to, where you will be able to book and pay for MHFA® training sessions. 

Does the program involve completing exams or assessments?

There are no exams. As part of receiving MHFA® accreditation, you will be asked to answer a few online quizzes as part of completing the MHFA® elearning module. After completing the elearning as well as the two MHFA® Zoom workshops, you can complete an online Accreditation Assessment to become an Accredited Mental Health First Aider. 

CPD Points, Accreditation Certificates and Other Incentives

Are there any incentives for my participating in the program?

You will not be paid for your participation in this program. However, as an incentive to participate, you will attain certification as an accredited mental health first aider and receive training for free (whereas future participants will be charged a minimum fee of NZD $650 + GST or more). If you are a member of CA ANZ, you will also receive between 12 to a maximum of 14 CPD points to count towards your structured learning professional development requirements.

How many CPD points will I receive from completing the program? How will I receive these points?

If you are a member of CA ANZ you will receive a maximum of 14 CPD points to count towards your structured learning professional development requirements. 

CPD points are a self-managed/recorded process – per the usual methods when practitioners record their CPD hours. 

What certification or accreditation will I receive on completion of the program?

You will receive notification from MHFA® to download a digital copy of your MHFA® accreditation certificate. You can also download a digital badge which can be used on LinkedIn. 

Rescheduling or Withdrawing from Training

What do I do if I can’t make the training date?

It is important to double-check your availability at the time of selecting your training dates and time – this includes allowing for school pick-up times, regular meetings, etc.

In cases where you have something urgent come up and cannot attend your scheduled date/time, and/or if you would like to formally withdraw from the program, please contact the training vendor ([email protected]). This will help us allocate your place to another participant on our waiting list, and the team will attempt to reschedule your session. You can re-schedule your sessions up to two times, depending on availability of alternate session dates/times. Please be aware that failure to attend a session may affect your ability to attend the following sessions on your preferred dates, and may also affect your eligibility to receive CPD points. 


Zoom Links, E-Learning Module, Training Manuals

I haven’t received my Zoom links or eLearning modules?

You will receive an email confirmation from our training vendors which includes Zoom links and eLearning modules a minimum of two weeks before your training commences. If you have not received these, please check your inbox and junk/spam folder for an email from [email protected]. If you are still unable to find your email, please contact HumanEx as soon as possible to follow up.

Must I complete the self-paced MHFA® eLearning module?

Yes – the online eLearning component takes approximately 5 hours and must be completed prior to starting the first of two Instructor-led sessions. Please factor this time in when you are scheduling your sessions. 

Do I have to complete the 5-hours e-Learning component in one sitting?
No, it’s fine to take your time. You can choose to close the eLearning and return to it later. However, it’s best to move steadily, so if you can, set aside 20-30 minutes each day to work on it until it is finished. Take as many breaks as you need. 
I don’t have time to finish my eLearning. What do I do now?

Please set enough time aside to complete your 5 hours of e-learning before you attend your first MHFA® Zoom workshop. We understand that from time-to-time urgent matters come up and you may not have been able to complete the e-learning prior to the first instructor-led MHFA® Zoom session. Deakin pays for each session in advance, at no cost to participants, and would like avoid last-minute cancellations which could impact viability of running sessions and reduces the learning experience for those attending if there’s too few participants. 

If you are unable to finish your eLearning prior to the workshop, please contact Humanex ([email protected]) to reschedule your MHFA® workshops at a later date – but note that this is based on availability of alternate sessions and may have a consequence on your subsequent session dates. 

When will I receive my hard copy manual? How do I request for one?

Hard copy manuals are organised and shipped to participants’ mailing address by our training vendor, Humanex. They will  be sent out during the week of 11th September. Please allow approximately 3-5 days’ shipping time. 

Technical Issues and Web-Cam

Why do I need to have my web-cam on during the live Zoom sessions?

The course has interactive segments to it and as the topics/content can be confronting, we need to be able to see and hear you. Please ensure that your camera is on throughout the workshop. We have an obligation to make sure you are ok. There are role-playing segments and other interactive learning that will also support others who are sharing their learning experience with you. We are creating a safe learning environment.

My computer doesn’t have a camera

If your computer doesn’t have a microphone or camera, you can still attend via your computer but use the camera on your smart phone or tablet at the same time (i.e. access the Zoom link via two devices).

I am having technical/connection issues?

We suggest you test your computer’s audio/video settings prior to your first Zoom session. If you have internet connection issues, please let the trainer know ahead of time as we understand that this can affect your ability to keep your web-cam on throughout the whole course. We can suggest alternative methods, including:

  • having your computer on to see the Zoom trainer’s screen whilst also logging in via your phone, so that the trainer can see and hear you and ensure our duty of care
  • hot-spotting Wifi from your mobile phone.

Your Wellbeing

What happens if I am feeling anxious or upset during or after the training?
If you find your mood becoming affected by the material you can use quick, positive coping strategies such as:

  • relaxing and tensing your muscles
  • letting your thoughts wander to pleasant topics for a few moments
  • noticing your thoughts, your surroundings, and the way your body feels.

If you decide you need to stop the session, please tell your instructor via the private chat feature. The instructor will want to follow up with you. It’s important to us that you are well supported, so we hope you will be happy for them to get in touch by phone or email.

  • If you are concerned that someone is in immediate danger or at risk of harm, call triple zero (000) in Australia or triple one (111) in New Zealand
What do I do if I am concerned about my own Mental Wellbeing?

It’s important to recognise that mental health can be affected in multiple ways. While there is stress relating to our work environments that need to be managed, we must also remember to monitor the stresses in our personal life as well. 

Getting help as early as possible is important if you’re worried about your own mental health. The sooner you get help and treatment, the quicker you’ll start to recover. 

The first step is to visit your General Practitioner who will conduct an initial mental health assessment. Your doctor may then create a treatment plan to help you work out what services you need, set goals and decide on the best treatment options for you. 

You can also call the following numbers to speak to a trained professional who can support you until you’re able to make an appointment with your GP: 


  • Free call or text 1737 for support from a trained counsellor 
  • Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or free text 4357 (HELP) 

Providing Feedback

How can I provide feedback about the program?
You’ll be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the quality of the training through separate (optional) feedback surveys. 

If you have any complaints about any aspect of the program, the way it is being conducted or any questions about your rights as a research participant, then you may contact: 

Deakin Counting on U Program Team: [email protected] 


The Human Research Ethics Office, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood Victoria 3125, Telephone: 03 9251 7129, Email: [email protected]. Please quote project number [2020-399]. 

Contact Details

Who do I contact if I have other questions?

For queries regarding program content (training and research), expressions of interest/registration and general queries, please contact the Deakin Counting on U team: [email protected]

For queries regarding CPD points (for members CA ANZ), please contact:

For queries regarding training dates, Zoom links, MHFA e-vouchers, manuals, technical difficulties, rescheduling, program withdrawals, please contact:  [email protected]

If you are in New Zealand and concerned that someone is in immediate danger or at risk of harm, call triple one (111). If you are concerned someone is in urgent need of support, call: 

    • Free call or text 1737 for support from a trained counsellor 
    • Lifeline: 0800 543 354 or free text 4357 (HELP) 

Get In Touch

Here are our contact details if you would like to get in contact with us or your member body about Counting on U:


CPA:  [email protected]

IPA: [email protected]

ICB: [email protected]

FPA: [email protected]

AFA: [email protected]

NZQBA: [email protected]

ICF Australasia Charter Chapter: [email protected]

Deakin Research Team: [email protected]