Frequently Asked Questions

About Counting on U

I’ve completed my MHFA® training. Is Counting on U still useful to me?

Yes, you have the option of completing the standalone client Relationship Building Training (RBT) module to build on your skills. Counting on U is the only workplace mental health training program that combines RBT with Mental Health First Aid® (MHFA®) training to equip participants with the key skills to build long term, trusting client relationships, and support client mental health and business needs while safeguarding their own wellbeing.

Find out more:

Is Counting on U available Australia wide? And across New Zealand?

Yes, Counting on U is available to participants across Australia and New Zealand, with sessions delivered 100% online via Zoom in a trainer-facilitated virtual classrooms. All program content is adapted to the Australian or New Zealand business climate.

What does training involve? What is the time commitment?

The full Counting on U training program requires a total time commitment of 12.5 – 13 hours spread out over 2 months, consisting of:

  • Pre-work: RBT reading (<30mins) and MHFA® e-learning module (approx. 5-7hrs self-paced)
  • Week 1: One client relationship building (RBT) virtual classroom module (2 hours)
  • Week 2: Two MHFA® virtual classroom modules (2.5 hours each (AU) and 3 hours each (NZ)), and
  • (OPTIONAL) Six weeks post MHFA® virtual modules: One booster virtual classroom module (1 hour)

New Zealand participants please note: Minor components of the program may reference Australian business contexts (e.g. instead of PAYE, role play videos may refer to PAYG). Please be assured that this does not impact the main content or outcomes of the program, and you will receive MHFA® Aotearoa modules and training manuals. 

Find out more about your learning journey and outcomes:

I heard the Counting on U program was free, why am I being asked to pay now?

Counting on U began as a research program in 2021 with researchers from Deakin Business School (DBS) recruiting SME business advisers to explore the efficacy of combining Relationship Building Training and Mental Health First Aid® training. DBS received external funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council, and partner organisations (Institute of Public Accountants, Beyond Blue, MHFA®, and WorkSafe VIC) for this purpose. Funding was also received from the Australian Treasury to roll-out training as part of its Covid-19 support package for SMEs. This funding enabled DBS to offer the program for free to eligible participants for two years (i.e. only accountants, bookkeepers, financial planners and other advisers who work directly with small-to-medium business owners).

Following the successful implementation of the research program and with promising research findings and outcomes, CoU has been updated, the participant experience has been elevated and the program is now available to all client-facing business professionals across ANZ. The fee is commensurate to the elevated participant experience, and we also offer discounts to members from partner professional associations and Deakin alumni.

Additionally, participants who successfully complete CoU will receive:

  • MHFA® digital accreditation (valid for 3 years and recognised globally)
  • The opportunity to earn up to 13 CPD points.
  • 0.5 Deakin unspecified course credit towards Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) into a Faculty of Business & Law post-graduate degree, including the Deakin MBA.
Who is eligible for a discounted course fee?

Members of Institute of Public Accountants, Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand, Financial Planning Association, and CPA Australia, as well as Deakin Business School alumni are eligible to receive a discount on the program fee.

Training and Scheduling

How is training delivered?

CoU sessions are delivered as interactive, trainer-facilitated virtual classrooms via Zoom.

We also offer custom-designed modules tailored to individual organisations’ needs which may be delivered face-to-face or in-house at your workplace depending on number of participants and trainer availability.

Do I have to complete the pre-work in one sitting?

No, it’s fine to take your time. The RBT pre-reading takes less than 1 hour to complete. The MHFA® eLearning component is self-paced – you can choose to close the eLearning and return to it later. However, it’s best to move steadily, so if you can, set aside 20-30 minutes each day to work on it until it is finished. Take as many breaks as you need.

Please set enough time aside to complete your <1hour of pre-reading before you attend your RBT workshop and 5 hours of eLearning before you attend your first MHFA® Zoom workshop.

When will I receive my hard copy MHFA® manual?

As part of MHFA®’s requirements, only Australian participants signed up for its blended online training will receive a temporary digital copy of the MHFA® manual which will be referred to throughout the course of your training, including the e-learning component. As the quality of the digital manual varies depending on your computer settings, all participants will also receive a hard copy manual to keep.

Australian participants: 

As part of the registration process, Deakin’s training delivery partner, Mentally Well Workplaces, will ask for your mailing address where you’d like to receive a hard copy manual. Hard copy manuals are organised and shipped to participants’ mailing addresses by Mental Health First Aid® (MHFA®). Please allow between 2-3 weeks’ shipping time from when you provide your address to Mentally Well Workplaces. This applies to both metro and regional addresses.

New Zealand participants: 

As part of the registration process, Deakin’s training delivery partner, Humanex, will ask you for your mailing address where you’d like to receive a hard copy manual. All NZ participants will receive a hard copy of the MHFA® Aotearoa manual. Hard copy manuals are organised and shipped to participants’ mailing address by Humanex. Please allow approximately 3-5 days’ shipping time.

Certifications and Accreditation

Does the program involve exams or assessments?

There are no exams, but there are two assessments you will need to complete to receive CPD points and the Deakin RPL credit:

Upon completion of the Relationship Building Training (RBT) module, you will receive an email from MWW/Humanex with a link to complete a 5-question  assessment designed to test your understanding of the training material.

In order to receive MHFA® accreditation, you will be asked to complete a short online quiz at the end of each MHFA® e-learning module, followed by a final overall assessment. Upon completion of these quizzes as well as the two MHFA® Zoom workshops, you will receive an email from MHFA® inviting you to complete an online Accreditation Assessment to become an Accredited Mental Health First Aider. Once completed, you will receive confirmation from MHFA® and a digital certificate that can be downloaded and added to your online profile such as LinkedIn. The digital MHFA® Accreditation is recognised globally and valid for 3 years.

How do I receive my CPD points and Deakin RPL credit?

Upon completion of the full course including the booster session, you will receive an email from MWW/Humanex confirming successful completion of the program alongside the 0.5 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) credit which can be used towards any Faculty of Business and Law postgraduate degree (including the MBA) and to submit CPD points for participating professional associations*.

*Members of CA ANZ, IPA, ICB, FPA, CPA

What if I’m not a member of a professional association?

You are still eligible to register for CoU however you unfortunately aren’t eligible for discounted course fees unless you’re a member of a Deakin’s partner professional associations (i.e. CA ANZ, IPA, ICB, FPA and CPA) or a Deakin alumni. You are still eligible to receive RPL credit from Deakin University and the MHFA® digital accreditation.

We are working to bring other member organisations on board to reach a wider network of professionals. If you would like to get in touch about getting your member body on board, please email us at [email protected]

Technical Issues

Why do I need to have my web-cam on during the live Zoom sessions?

The course has interactive segments and as the topics/content can be confronting, we need to be able to see and hear you. Please ensure that your camera is on throughout the workshop. We have an obligation to make sure you are ok. There are role-playing segments and other interactive learning that will also support others who are sharing their learning experience with you.

The Counting on U experience is a safe, judgement free learning environment. You will be working with accredited and experienced trainers.

My computer doesn’t have a camera

If your computer doesn’t have a microphone or camera, you can still attend via your computer but use the camera on your smart phone or tablet at the same time (i.e. access the Zoom link via two devices).

I am having technical/connection issues. What do I do?

We suggest you test your computer’s audio/video settings prior to your first Zoom session. If you have internet connection issues, please let the trainer know ahead of time as we understand that this can affect your ability to keep your web-cam on throughout the whole course. We can suggest alternative methods, including:

  • having your computer on to see the Zoom trainer’s screen whilst also logging in via your phone, so that the trainer can see and hear you as part of our duty of care
  • hot-spotting Wifi from your mobile phone.

Please contact your trainer as soon as you can if you’re having persistent technical issues.

Wellbeing and Self-care

What happens if I am feeling anxious or upset during or after the training?

If you find your mood becoming affected by the material/content, you can use quick, positive coping strategies such as:

  • relaxing and tensing your muscles
  • letting your thoughts wander to pleasant topics for a few moments
  • noticing your thoughts, your surroundings, and the way your body feels.

If you decide you need to stop the session, please tell your instructor via the private chat feature on Zoom. The instructor will want to follow up with you. It’s important to us that you are well supported, so we hope you will be happy for them to get in touch by phone or email.

  • If you are concerned that someone is in immediate danger or at risk of harm, call triple zero (000) in Australia or triple one (111) in New Zealand
What do I do if I am concerned about my own mental wellbeing?

It’s important to recognise that mental health can be affected in multiple ways. While work stress needs to be managed, we must also remember to monitor the stresses in our personal life as well. 

Getting help as early as possible is important if you’re worried about your own mental health. The sooner you get help and treatment, the quicker you’ll start to recover. 

The first step is to visit your General Practitioner who will conduct an initial mental health assessment. Your doctor may then create a treatment plan to help you work out what services you need, set goals and decide on the best treatment options for you. 

You can also call the following numbers to speak to a trained professional who can support you until you’re able to make an appointment with your GP: 


  • Lifeline – 13 11 14 
  • Suicide Call-back – 1300 659 467 
  • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 


  • Free call or text 1737 for support from a trained counsellor 
  • Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or free text 4357 (HELP) 

Feedback and Complaints

How do I provide feedback about the program? What if I have a complaint?

Please contact the Deakin University Counting on U Team: [email protected]