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The Human Library Pilot

Who would you like to checkout? That was the unexpected question for our visitors while the Human Library Pilot was on The Verge. Participants could chat…

Scholarships and Connections

Purpose: To celebrate the soft launch of Fusion, The Verge became an interactive display of research and culture from the…

The odds-on favourite

Purpose: To make sure our library visitors didn't miss out on the racing hype, we brought the Cup to them. We…

Interactive sugar hit

To create an interactive game to highlight one of our largest special collections, the cookery collection. Our curator of Special…

The art of interaction

Our 5 interactive screens were the canvass, and our Special Collections provided the animal-themed templates. With touch enabled screens our…

Real Lectures

A group of our architecture students are leading the way with their contemporary spin on fieldwork. They canvassed local architects…

Watch our research take flight

Purpose: To showcase rare footage garnered by Deakin University researcher Melanie Wells. It follows the journey of seabirds searching for…

Toro Evistiendo

The artistic intentions are to create a playful yet powerful metaphorical installation that uses interactivity as a bridge between the virtual and…

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