About the Team

The research team is based at Deakin University’s Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) and CQUniversity. Together, the team have significant expertise in assessment and equity within higher education.

Dr Joanna Tai is interested in student experiences of assessment and feedback. She has substantial experience in qualitative research with a focus on students’ experiences of assessment. She was awarded a Deakin REDI (Research for Educational Impact) small grant to conduct research on the nature of assessment adjustments at Deakin University in 2019. 

A/Prof Rola Ajjawi is interested in ensuring equity and success for all students. She has a strong theoretical grounding in sociomateriality. She recently led work into failure and persistence that has positively influenced policy and practice within the sector. 

Professor Margaret Bearman has a strong background in sociomaterial theories and assessment design. She co-led the highly successful Assessment Design Decisions Office for Learning and Teaching project, which continues to influence assessment design in higher education.

Dr Joanne Dargusch is interested in assessment, teacher education, and equity. She has led two multi-year Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) projects that improved assessment support for students from equity backgrounds as they transitioned to university, with a focus on helping lecturers better assist students. 

Dr Mary Dracup undertakes research in inclusive education and digital learning. She participated in the REDI project into the nature of assessment adjustments and the project in failure and persistence, and led the Inclusive Education Project at Deakin University. 

Dr Lois Harris researches assessment, student engagement, and equity. Her research examining assessment within a higher education context has focused on the experiences of students from equity groups, particularly those with intersecting markers of disadvantage. These projects have included work with practitioners helping them better understand the needs of students from equity groups and how to best cater for these students within their units.

Ms Paige Mahoney is the project’s research fellow, and is currently undertaking a PhD in Australian history at Deakin University.

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