If you’re inspired to teach, Deakin’s education and teaching courses will empower you to make a difference in the lives of young people.
My admiration for Deakin’s endeavours to create globally conscious citizens
Graduating from a Bachelor of Arts/Master of Teaching (Secondary), Jessica Lundie is a passionate Head of Languages and Indonesian Language Teacher.
Deakin feels like home
The learning environment and culture at Deakin combines professionalism in academia and an inclusive culture.
What is a teaching placement really like?
At Deakin, pre-service teachers get started in the classroom right from the beginning of their degree. Teaching placements make up a large part of...
PE teaching placement with Health and Physical Education degree
The student placements at Deakin are spread out across the four years of the degree, providing incredible hands-on teaching experiences, and for me,...
Placement is such an important experience
Ben Parsons is a graduate of the Master of Applied Learning and Teaching (Secondary), becoming a VCAL teacher at the same school he completed his placement.
Eye-opening opportunities with my teaching degree
After finishing her final year of school Molly Martin wasn’t entirely certain about what she wanted to study at university.
Gain a qualification and recognition
I have worked in public education for 30 years, yet I don’t have a teaching background. So for me to gain a qualification that not only recognises...
So many ‘proudest moments’ in the two years
The Master of Applied Learning and Teaching provided a range of immersion activities in schools which honed and developed my teaching pedagogy and...
Master of Teaching course provided lots of placement opportunities
‘Deakin’s Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) course provides lots of placement opportunities, which helps me to refine my professional knowledge...