Tag Archives: Zimbabwe

Mugabe’s fall from … Grace

‘It is not a coup and anyone who says it is will be shot’, or so should have said Zimbabwe’s military after they took Robert Mugabe and his wife into custody, patrolled the capital of Harare in tanks and positioned troops on the streets.  Zimbabweans were warned not to come out because of the possibility […]

Lies, Damned Lies and Human Development Indicators

The line attributed by Mark Twain to British PM Benjamin Disraeli that there are ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’ might be held to be true when assessing the value of indicators. Indicators, after all, only indicate, so there is scope for debate about the meaning of the UNDP’s Human Development Index, identified by Robert Johnson […]

Australia takes Number 1 in world development rankings

For every Australian tired of bad news – disasters, political disputes and public people behaving badly – here is some good news. While nobody was noticing, late last year Australia pipped Norway to achieve the highest standard of living in the world. Standards of living used to be equated with national wealth divided by the […]