Tag Archives: social media

Social media – a powerful tool against terrorism

This article was first published in the The Age http://www.theage.com.au/comment/social-media-role-in-fight-against-global-terror-must-be-recognised-and-matched-as-is-wields-new-weapons-20150314-141ydk.html Social media role in fight against global terror must be recognised and matched as IS wields new weapons We live with a constant overflow of media stories warning of the dangers surrounding us; from plane crashes and natural disasters to violent conflicts and terrorist attacks […]

From stalker to dobber: parenting on social media

My research and thinking, and even my identity with regard to social networking has evolved, but not in a way I have anticipated. Over the past three years, I have offered a number of conference addresses and keynote presentations focussed on the use of social media and networking in education. I have co-authored chapters in […]

Reddit and Political Figures Online

  ‘Hey everybody – this is barack’, wrote US President Barack Obama on the social networking space Reddit. ‘Just finished a great rally in Charlottesville, and am looking forward to your questions’. Social media has hit the headlines again – this time as a means of facilitating democratic participation. In August Barack Obama signed up […]

Pathways to News

The rise of social media and its impact on news media industries has been making headlines for a number of years. Social media is tipped to transform the newspaper industry. If searching for news was the most important development of the past decade, sharing news may be among the most important of the next, says […]

Social Pandemonium Online?

  In 2008, John Maritotti, author of The Chinese Conspiracy and cyber-attack expert, claimed social media was an invitation to "at best, uncontrolled and permanent over-exposure and at worst, identity theft or misuse". We’ve come a long way since 2008. In fact, we’ve come a long way since the late 1990s when fears of identity […]

#kony2012: a new paradigm in social media for social change?

This week, global attention has turned to wartime atrocities committed by Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony.  This has been driven by a social media campaign launched by Invisible Children – in its first three days, the Kony2012 campaign’s YouTube video had been viewed over 40 million times. While the campaign and particularly the video enjoy […]