Tag Archives: Egypt

Egypt's brief fling with democracy draws to a close

Egypt’s police were scheduled today to break up large sit-ins in Cairo and Giza, trying to end demonstrations intended to reinstate ousted president Mohamed Morsi. Should the police proceed, there was expected to be some confrontation. But more importantly, the dispersal may be seen as the final nail in the coffin of Egypt’s very brief […]

Why Egyptian power grab may not be what it seems

The recent news reporting about Egypt’s political crisis creates the impression the country has fallen into the hands of a band of ultra-conservative mullahs intent on forcing women into niqab (full covering) and chopping off light-fingered hands. Egypt is clearly in turmoil — but the current troubles are more complex than opposition to a supposed […]

Egypt leader's power play shows how messy revolutions can be

If it was intended as an act of sneaky rat cunning — first get elected and then seize total power — Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi’s edicts last Thursday which have thrown the country into turmoil were both painfully transparent as well as being a high-risk gamble.  Exempting presidential decrees from judicial review fundamentally challenges the […]