ADI Publications and Presentations

On 16 April, Prof Shahram Akbarzadeh was the presenter for a webinar hosted by the Centre for Muslim States and Societies, titled Biden and the Middle East

A/Prof Anthony Ware, A/Prof Costas Laoutides and recent PhD graduate Chiraag Roy have had a article published in Q1 journal Third World Quarterly:
Chiraag Roy, Anthony Ware & Costas Laoutides (2021) The political economy of Norwegian peacemaking in Myanmar’s peace process, Third World Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1909467
Full article here.

Dr Kiran Pienaar has had a new article published with colleagues at La Trobe University: The “Be All and End All”? Young People, Online Sexual Health Information, Science and SkepticismQualitative Health Research, early online: 1-14.
With a colleague at Monash, she has also edited a special issue on testing in healthcare: Petersen, A & Pienaar, K. (2021). Testing for Life? Regimes of Governance in Diagnosis and Screening. Special issue of Science, Technology and Society, early online: 1-17. All articles from the special issue can be accessed here.

A/Prof Mirjana Lozanovska shares two recent publications: 

  1. Lozanovska, M., (2020) “Space and Culture: Global Quarantine,” in Special Issue “Spaces and Cultures of Quarantine,” Space and Culture, Vol. 24, Issue 2, May 2021: 188-193. An examination of the architecture of quarantine from a perspective of psychoanalytic theory of the death drive.
  2. Lozanovska, M. & A. Nakai Kidd, “’Vacant Geelong’ and its lingering industrial architecture,” Architecture Research Quarterly (ARQ), March 2021, 23: 4: . pp. 1 – 16. DOI:

And some recent reviews of her book Migrant Housing: Architecture, Dwelling, Migration (Routledge 2019):

By Manu Sobti, in Traditional Dwellings Settlement Research (TDSR), 2020 32.1 : 89-91.