ADI Publications and events

Dr Laura Rodriguez Castro, Barbara Pini (Griffith University) and Robyn Mayes (QUT) have had an article published in the Journal of Sociology’s forthcoming special issue ‘Imagining rural futures in times of uncertainty and possibility: Progressing a transformative research agenda for rural sociology’ . The article is entitled ‘An agenda for Australian rural sociology: Troubling the white middle-class farming woman’ (Link:

Dr Catherine Legg has just updated her entry on “Pragmatism” in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

Prof Ihsan Yilmaz and Kainat Shakil have published a commentary for the European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS) on transnational Islamist populism and civilisationism in relation to Turkey’s religious soft power and its impact in Pakistan: “Transnational Islamist Populism between Pakistan and Turkey: The Case of Dirilis – Ertugrul”.

Prof Ihsan Yilmaz and Nicholas Morieson have published an Open Access systematic literature review on religion, populism and emotions for the Special Issue of Q1 journal Religions “Populist Performances and Religion in Global Perspective” that is being guest-edited by Prof Yilmaz. The title of the paper is “A Systematic Literature Review of Populism, Religion and Emotions”. The paper identifies many gaps in the literature and will be very helpful for scholars who intend to submit papers for the special issue.

The Australian Migration History Network has just published a blog that Dr Daniella Trimboli contributed to, in which she reflects on her book Mediating Multiculturalism

Dr Christopher Mayes, Prof Yin Paradies, and Dr Amanuel Elias have co-edited a Special Issue on “Institutional Racism, Whiteness, and the Role of Critical Bioethics” for the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry.  

The issue includes contributions addressing institutional racism in healthcare provision and research as well as the effects of whiteness on bioethical analysis in Australia, New Zealand, United States, and South Africa. The issue has articles from ADI members Amanuel Elias and Yin Paradies “The Costs of Institutional Racism and its Ethical Implications for Healthcare”, Tessa Moll “Medical Mistrust and Enduring Racism in South Africa”, and Christopher Mayes “Race, Reproduction and Biopolitics: A review essay