Staff publications- Mary Iliadis, Damien Kingsbury

Mary Iliadis

Dr Mary Iliadis (Deakin Criminology) and Dr Kerstin Braun (University of Southern Queensland) published a piece in The Conversation: “Sexual assault victims can be easily re-traumatised going to court: here’s one way to stop this”

Damien Kingsbury

Professor Damien Kingsbury has just had published his latest book, ‘Separatism and the State’, but Routledge, UK. There are more than 150 separatist movements across the world, with separatist conflict becoming the dominant form on warfare in the early 21st century.

This book, based on over two decades of field research, outlines a theory of why separatism arises as a political and armed non-state phenomenon and, in detailing its causes, provides solutions to separatist conflict.


The book focuses on key case studies from Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Latin America, identifying commonalities as well as differences between separatist movements.