ADI Publications and Presentations

A new article has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Law & Society by Dr Mary Iliadis, co-authored with Dr Olivia Smith (Loughborough University, UK) and Professor Jonathon Doak (Nottingham Trent University, UK): ‘Independent separate legal representation for rape complainants: lessons from Northern Ireland’.

Dr Amanuel Elias, Jehonathan Ben, Prof Fethi Mansouri and Prof Yin Paradies authored an article:

Elias, A,  J. Ben, F. Mansouri, and Y. Paradies  (2021). Racism and nationalism during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Prof Ihsan Yilmaz, Ana-Maria Bliuc (WSU), Prof Fethi Mansouri and Galib Bashirov authored an article:

Yilmaz, I.,  A.M. Bliuc, F. Mansouri and G. Bashirov, (2020), ‘Young Muslim Australians’ Experiences of Intergroup Contact and Its Implications for Intercultural Relations’. Ethnic and Racial Studies,