Deakin Research on Violence Against Women Network- call for researchers to join

Calling for researchers to join new Deakin Research on Violence Against Women network

We are seeking expressions of interest from Deakin researchers and HDR students who have expertise in violence against women (intimate partner violence, domestic and family violence, sexual violence) through a gendered framework to join a new initiative, the Deakin Research on Violence Against Women (DRVAW) Hub. The DRVAW Hub is led by a cross-Faculty group of Deakin researchers (Arts&Ed, Health & Law), and will provide regular opportunities for Deakin researchers and HDR students to meet and identify areas of expertise, attend and host events and build capacity for the development of research collaborations with academics from other Faculties / Universities, and community and government stakeholders.

To find out more about the DRVAW Hub please see our website If you are interested in joining the DRVAW network, please email us at [email protected]


Danielle, Mary and Lata (Co-Convenors, DRVAW Hub).


Dr Danielle Tyson

Senior Lecturer in Criminology

Criminology Convenor

Co-Convenor Addressing Filicide Research Hub

Co-Convenor Deakin Research on Violence Against Women Hub

Deakin University