Deakin Research Grants NOIS- Discovery Projects 2022- due 28 August

Dear Colleagues,

Deakin Research Grant (DR-Grant) is seeking NOIS for the 2022 round of both the Discovery Project (DP22) and Discovery Indigenous (IN22) schemes.  This year again, the Faculty has developed an on-line NOIS for this purpose.  The form can be accessed here.  You will need to complete the form whether Deakin will be the lead organisation or not.  If you are planning to be a CI on a non-DU-led application, many of the questions will collapse and the form will be much simplified.  Please complete the on-line form by COB on August 28th.  This will allow the Faculty to organise workshops to help support DU-led applicants with the development of their proposal.

Kind regards

Professor Andrea Witcomb

Associate Dean Research – Faculty of Arts and Education