Micro PD – Deakin’s Learning and Teaching Principles- Sessions offered in August

August sees the return of the Pod’s popular MicroPD, this time with a special focus on Deakin’s Premium Learning and Teaching Principles.

Deakin has a set of ten Premium Teaching and Learning Principles that are intended to underpin the design, development and delivery of courses and units at Deakin University. These principles have been employed by Deakin in the context of large-scale projects to re-design courses across the different Faculties, including the Faculty of Arts and Education

The next set of Micro PDs will be grounded in the first 4 principles– Inclusive, Active, Social and Feedback-focused learning. Sessions are designed to be conversational in tone and targeted to the needs of participants. Drop in for just-in-time support to improve the online experience for both your students and yourselves.

Inclusivity in the Cloud

  • What are some quick and easy things I can do to make my teaching more inclusive?
  • How can I design my unit to support diverse learners?
  • What are some examples of inclusive teaching?

Active Learning Online

  • How do I get students actively involved in their learning?
  • How do I make my content more engaging?
  • What digital tools are available to build active learning into weekly content?

Social Learning in the Cloud

  • How do I create a learning community in an online environment?
  • What can I do to encourage discussion in online seminars?
  • What can I do to ensure that groupwork activities are successful?

Feedback-focused strategies in the Cloud

  • What feedback strategies work in an online environment?
  • How can I ensure students use feedback to support their learning?
  • How can I use feedback in a cycle of student learning?

These questions and more will be addressed in 45 minutes via Zoom.

To submit your questions and register for these sessions please go to the ArtsEd Pod Eventbrite page.