Faculty Research Group interactive seminar: 17th July, Patrick Stokes, Sean Bowden

The Faculty Research team is running a series of interactive events which will give an overview of the activities, priorities and significance of our Faculty research collectives, led by the ADR, Prof Jack Reynolds.

Academic and professional staff, as well as our students, are encouraged to attend these, and participate. The full list of our groups is here.

This Friday 17 July the following presentation will take place via Zoom, and everyone is most welcome to attend.

12.00pm Philosophy and the History of Ideas     Patrick Stokes and Sean Bowden

To join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 946 1674 6849
Password: 933253

Please note that the events will be recorded and stored within the Faculty Sharepoint, for people to access information about the work of the groups. They may also be used for external partners seeking information about the research that we do, although the Q&A session would not be used in that way.

We look forward to seeing you (virtually), and hope that you find these interesting and informative.

Best wishes,

Prof Jack Reynolds, Associate Dean (Research), and David Gall, Manager, Strategic Research Services