Green Impact update – ArtsEd teams’ success

This year Deakin’s Green Impact program hosted 72 teams, which comprised of over 450 staff members working towards achieving Deakin’s 2030 Sustainability Aspirations. We are proud to announce that the ArtsEd EcoWarriors team won Gold at the 2019 Green Impact Awards Ceremony.

Our team is dedicated to making Deakin a more sustainable workplace, as well as encouraging all staff to think consciously about their environmental impact. A big thank you to everyone who participated in our eco-events, such as the Building C stair walk challenge, UN Sustainability Trivia, and the Sustainability Swap. We look forward to next year’s eco-challenge, and invite anyone interested to take part next year!

Congratulations to all of the other Green Impact teams, particularly the Arts Green Gang team in Geelong and Viridescent at Burwood!