Funding and Grant opportunities


Please contact the Faculty Research Services team [email protected] for assistance when applying for a grant.

Additional external funding opportunities are available on the Faculty Research Grants and Funding Resources wiki page.

NOIS due by Funding Organisation and Scheme Complete application and signed coversheet due by
14 November 2019 Driving Social Inclusion Through Sport and Physical Activity

Department of Health grant

This Australian Government grant opportunity will use sport and physical activity projects to address inclusion issues for vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals and seeks to enhance wellbeing and instill a sense of community belonging.

28 November 2019
15 November 2019 Princeton University Library Research Grants

The Elmer Adler Fund supports research in Graphic Arts, and the Cotsen Children’s Library supports research in its collection on aspects of children’s books.

29 November 2019
18 Nov 2019 Short-term Fellowships with The Newberry Chicago’s Independent Research Library

Applications for the 2020-21 academic year are open.

Short-Term Fellowships provide opportunities for individuals who have a specific need for the Newberry’s collection. Postdoctoral scholars, PhD candidates, and scholars with terminal degrees who live and work outside of the Chicago metropolitan area are eligible.

2 December 2019
18 Nov 2019 UK Wellcome Photography Prize 2020

Whether you are a professional, student or amateur photographer, you’re invited to enter the Wellcome Photography Prize 2020, which celebrates compelling imagery that will encourage conversations about the health challenges of our time.

2 December 2019
3 Dec 2019 Ernest Scott Prize

This prestigious prize, worth approximately $13,000, is awarded to original published research that contributes to the history of Australia or New Zealand or to the history of colonisation in these countries.

17 Dec 2019
13 Jan 2020 Partnerships for Impact Research Grants

Vic Health

This is one of the new VicHealth Partnership Grants, which present new funding opportunities for a diverse range of organisations to propel community wellbeing and health promotion initiatives into unchartered territory with a multi-million dollar funding pool.

VicHealth knows that forming strategic funding partnerships with researchers and health promotion organisations will result in research outcomes that have the greatest potential for application in the real world and ultimately improve the health and wellbeing of the Victorian community.

27 Jan 2020
27 Jan 2020 Art of good health partnership grants

Vic Health

Vic Health invites organisations to consider how they might access VicHealth Partnership Grants through innovative partnerships with organisations who qualify as official funding recipients (e.g. Local Councils).

Arts and creative approaches have great potential to enhance health promotion strategies. They can meaningfully engage people with complex issues and generate new solutions, and they can increase community engagement alongside other strategies that are being used to address the health problem, such as policy change or organisational development.

The Art of Good Health program will provide support for councils to design new projects that address health problems or enhance health promotion strategies by introducing the role of arts and creative approaches within them. Our aim is to increase the use and application of arts and creative approaches within local health promotion strategies and programs.

10 Feb 2020
27 Jan 2020 Everyday Creativity Partnership Grants

Vic Health

This new VicHealth Partnership Grant presents new funding opportunities for a diverse range of organisations to propel community wellbeing and health promotion initiatives into unchartered territory with a multi-million dollar funding pool.

VicHealth’s Everyday Creativity Partnership Grant aims to increase access for everyone to creativity through the arts and its health benefits. To achieve these outcomes we want to work with local councils to promote sustained and varied arts and cultural opportunities. 

10 Feb 2020
27 Jan 2020 Healthier Masculinities Partnership Grants

Vic Health

This new VicHealth Partnership Grant presents new funding opportunities for a diverse range of organisations to propel community wellbeing and health promotion initiatives into unchartered territory with a multi-million dollar funding pool.

The Healthier Masculinities Partnership Grant will support local government in partnership with relevant organisations to develop, trial and evaluate initiatives that seek to propel health and wellbeing outcomes in Victoria. 

10 Feb 2020
27 Jan 2020 Ideas Partnership Grants

Vic Health

This new VicHealth Partnership Grant presents new funding opportunities for a diverse range of organisations to propel community wellbeing and health promotion initiatives into uncharted territory with a multi-million dollar funding pool.

This funding opportunity seeks ideas that will improve the health and wellbeing of Victorians but don’t fit within the other VicHealth Partnership Grant opportunities advertised in November 2019.

10 Feb 2020