Faculty staff changes

Dear Colleagues

Please note there have been two changes to Faculty Executive membership.

  • HOS of SCCA

Matthew Allen has been required to take a period of unplanned leave.  Lyn Mc Credden has kindly agreed to be Acting Head of School.   Please refer any matters relating to the School to Lyn until further notice.

  • Director of IKE

After four years in the role of the Director of IKE, Professor Liz Cameron has decided to focus on her research and the development of new Indigenous teaching programs from the Faculty. Discussion is currently underway with the Acting Head of School of Communication and Creative Arts for Liz’s transfer to the School. 

Liz is an accomplished researcher and has multidisciplinary expertise with strong alignment with the Creative Arts group in SCCA. During her time in the Director role, Liz has made great contributions for the future success of IKE, to name only a few:  to provide direction for the development of IND units which have been extremely successful; open up the Institute and facilitate two way interaction with the different areas of the University; focus on the quality of teaching and learning at the Institute and commence the process of re-branding of the Institute to NIKERI National Indigenous Knowledges, Education, Research and Innovation Institute.  Please join me in wishing her well in her new role.  Liz will move to SCCA effective from 1 April.  

best wishes


Executive Dean