Faculty WIL Team – Mobility Grants and Scholarships, and EEExpo, 20 March

The  Faculty WIL team have two major announcements:

  • New Colombo Plan 2020 funding
  • Employment and Experience Expo

New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Grants and Student Scholarships 2020





The New Colombo Plan (NCP) is a signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and undertake internships in the region. It encourages a two-way flow of students between Australia and the rest of our region, complementing the thousands of students from the region coming to Australia to study each year.  By the end of 2020, the New Colombo Plan alumni will have grown to around 40,000 young Australians with experience of living, studying and undertaking work experience in the Indo-Pacific.

Late last week Deakin International released information regarding the 2020 New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Grants and Student Scholarships Schemes.  While we are still waiting for DFAT to release the 2020 application form to universities across Australia, please note updated information about the 2020 round can be found on the DFAT website 2020 NCP mobility application round.  

NCP Mobility Grants:  If you would like to apply for a 2020 Mobility Grant, please first read the advice to applicants found at advice to applicants.   Please also consult with your Head of School or Institute about your mobility project idea.  Kathryn Whitney, Manager of the Engagement Portfolio will be coordinating ArtsEd faculty submissions for 2020.  Kathryn will share the 2020 application form with academics as soon as it is made available from DFAT.  We have set a Faculty deadline for submission of mobility grants applications of Friday April 13th.   Please contact Kathryn if you have any questions ([email protected])









NCP Student Scholarships:  The New Colombo Plan Scholarship Program provides opportunities for Australian undergraduate students to undertake semester-based study and internships or mentorships in 40 participating Indo-Pacific locations.  The value of these scholarships can be valued up to $70,000 per student.  Deakin International will be coordinating communications to ArtsEd students, but you are encouraged to promote the scholarship scheme to your students.  Deakin International are seeking a diversity of candidates, looking for a spread across all 5 campuses, disciplines and equity categories.  Applications will open soon.  Please direct any interested students to Nisa Samat at [email protected].



The Burwood Employment and Experience Expo will be held tomorrow, Wednesday March 20th, from 11:30 – 2:30pm.  Over 120 employers will be present on the Burwood campus to talk to students about graduate jobs and internship programs.  The ArtsEd WIL team will be present at the EEExpo promoting our internship and global mobility programs to students.  Please encourage your students to attend, and come on down to meet with the WIL team.  A list of employers attending the EEExpo can be found at:  deakintalent.deakin.edu.au/eeexpo/