Staff Profile

Dr Paul Venzo



What do you do, what department/school/institute and where are you located?

I am a lecturer in Writing and Literature in the School of Communications and Creative Arts, and I’m the convener for the Literary Studies and Children’s Literature Majors. I am located at the Waurn Ponds campus.

When did you start at Deakin University and what was the role?

I started with Deakin in 2002, as a casual academic working in communications studies.

Where did you study?

I did my BA, Honours and Masters at the University of Melbourne, and did my Graduate Diploma of Journalism and PhD at Deakin.

What book are you currently reading?

Lincoln in the Bardo, by George Saunders

Three favourite films?

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, The Searchers, The Conformist 

Favourite food and drink

Anything Italian, and coffee.

Where is the worst place you could get stuck in?

A bath – I’m really tall.

Do you have any pets?

I have a foster-dog: a border-collie-cross called Monty.