Australian Early- and Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) Forum

Help create amazing opportunities for EMCRs!

Do you have an idea that would really help the careers of you and EMCRs like you?

The EMCR Forum knows that EMCRs all around the country are full of great ideas on the types of things that would help support their careers. So now we are asking you to share them with us and help make them a reality.

The Theo Murphy (Australia) Initiative will support 3-6 activities annually which provide tangible benefits to Australia’s EMCRs. All you need to do is come up with an idea. If it is selected we will work with you to make it a reality (don’t worry – we will do most of the work!)

We are particularly looking for activities with broad reach within the EMCR community and a degree of interdisciplinarity. There are examples of types of activities you could propose on the website, but please don’t restrict your thinking – we are looking for innovative ideas! And they don’t have to be events – see the website for more information.

Read more about it now and get applying.  Applications are straightforward and due by 18 February.

This is your chance to make a difference in your career and the careers of EMCRs all around the country. It is also a great opportunity to be recognised by (and work with) the Australian Academy of Science.