Staff News

Dear Colleagues

 Acting Head, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

It is with great confidence that we see a short term change in SHSS as Matthew Clarke takes off for 3 months to fulfil his Fulbright Professional Fellowship in Humanitarian and Community Leadership in the US.  We wish you safe travels Matthew and a wonderfully enriching experience and we all hope to learn from you on your return.

Associate Professor Andrew Singleton will be Acting Head of School while Matthew is away and will be welcome at all activities as Head of School.  You have our full support Andrew.

I very much look forward to working with Matthew, Andrew and all of you into 2018 and beyond.

 Director, Institute of Koorie Education

 I am very pleased to advise you that Professor Liz Cameron term  as Director of the Institute for Koorie Education, has been renewed for a further 3 years,  It is a great pleasure to acknowledge Liz and all Colleagues at the Institute of Koorie Education for your leadership of the whole of Deakin’s engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Cultures and Knowledges.  There are so many things to celebrate over the past year and I thank everyone who has played a positive, welcoming and inclusive role in this work which serves to change the reality and lived experience of every Deakin staff member, student and community member.  We still have much to do  and we continue to look to principled leadership and advice from the Institute.

 Head, School of Communication and Creative Arts

It is will great pleasure that I write to congratulate everyone in the School of Communication and Creative Arts on another very positive year.  With significant growth in students, continuous development of courses and shaping and reshaping resources, the School has added new staff to respond to this growth and plan and invest in new work in the coming years.  This is hard work and you have all contributed significantly with intellect and commitment.

In recognition and support of this achievement, I am also delighted to let you know that Professor Matthew Allen’s term as as Head of School, has been renewed for a further 3 years.  This period will give the School time for further advancement and consolidation of its growing status as a premiere school of communication and in the creative arts in Australia and internationally.

 With best wishes
