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July 9, 2024

Your library questions answered

We know there is a lot to take in when you first start at Deakin and it can sometimes be confusing knowing where to look for help. That is why we have put together this handy guide to our frequently asked questions at Deakin Library. 

Using Deakin Library 

How do I become a library member? Do I need a library card? How much does it cost to use the library? 

The use of Deakin Library and its resources is free for Deakin students. As a student, you are automatically a member.

Your Deakin student ID is your library card. You can download the Deakin Borrow app and log in by scanning the barcode of your Deakin Card. This will let you borrow items from your phone using the camera function. Alternatively, scan your Deakin Card at the self-checkout machines to borrow items. 

If you are an online student, you can request a Deakin Card. However, you don’t need a Deakin Card. You can log in using your student details on the library website and request items online or via post. 

Accessing course readings

How do I download my course e-books? Do I need to buy my textbooks, or can I borrow them from the library?  

You can view information about your prescribed texts and recommended readings for a course from one week before trimester starts. There are a few ways to find your reading lists via the library.

Go to the ‘Get textbooks’ page 

If you want to quickly see if the prescribed and recommended textbooks are live for your course, search for your unit code on the ‘Get textbooks’ page. You can find the Get textbooks page on the library home page and under the Skills for Study menu.

Even if there are textbooks listed on the ‘Get textbooks’ page, we recommend checking your reading list for extra details as there may be required and/or recommended reading from a range of sources each week. If your prescribed textbook is only available in print or as a limited e-book license, your reading list might also contain at least one digitised chapter from this book.

Access your unit reading list

Your full reading list is available in Talis and will usually include a wide range of resources such as articles, videos, web pages and readings. You can find your full reading list by following the ‘Access unit readings’ link on the library homepageView instructions on accessing your reading list.

If you cannot find a reading list, check your CloudDeakin site or ask your unit chair.

We have created a comprehensive FAQs about accessing readings here.

Borrowing from the library  

How many times can you renew a book loan? How many books can I borrow at once? What happens if my books are overdue?

You can find out how many library items you can borrow, and for how long, by checking out our ‘Borrowing from Deakin’ page.

We have automatic renewals on books. However, your loan will only renew if nobody else has put a hold on it. You are guaranteed the loan for the first loan period and then it will depend on the demand of the book. The best way to keep track of when your books are due is by visiting the View my loans and holds page

We know you might forget to return a borrowed item on time, but it’s important to be mindful that others may want that item, too. We no longer charge overdue fees, but if you do not return the item by the due date we may stop you from being able to borrow other books and accessing other resources. 

E-books and digital resources 

Can we access books online rather than borrowing a physical copy? How do you know if the book is a physical book or an e-book?  

The library gets access to e-books through a range of providers and some of them have different rules for downloading and access limitations. When you find an item in the library search, you can see what kind of resource it is underneath the title and thumbnail. It will indicate how to access the book (see below). You can also search specifically for e-books by selecting ‘e-book’ in the library search filters.  

Alternatively, you can go directly to one of our e-book databases. Here are some of our largest offerings: 

A few important things to remember when borrowing e-books are: 

You can get more help and information by contacting a librarian via Library Chat or our Help and Contact page.

The library is key to your success at uni – make the most of everything we have to offer by following our Library Basics blog series! Each week of Trimester we share a library tip, tool or service we think you should know about. 

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