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ideas for library

September 14, 2018

Got ideas for your library? Let us know.

Every couple of years, we like to check in with our library users to see how you’re finding the library services and what ideas you have for us to improve.

We know you see requests to take surveys often, so we want to assure you that we take these results and your suggestions very seriously. Previous surveys about the library’s services have led us to make great changes such as:

The library has made a lot of changes this year, including opening Burwood 24/7 on level 2, introducing 24-hour Library Chat and implementing automatic renewals. We’d love to hear from you about the changes you’d like to see in 2019 and beyond!

*As a token of thanks, everyone who completes the survey will be entered in a draw to win an iPad mini*

Please note: This survey is conducted by an external provider, InSync, and therefore all results are completely confidential. Please feel free to be completely honest in your feedback.

Take the survey

We’ve sent the survey to several thousand students at the University, so make sure you check your inbox for an email from InSync to find your unique link to the survey.

Join the conversation

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