Our research

Newman, A., North-Samardzic, A., Bedarkar, M., & Brahmankar, Y. (2021). Entrepreneurship in India. Routledge.

Creed, A., Heinonen, J., & Zutshi, A. (2021). Between academia and business: research agenda for Acapreneurship. In A research agenda for the entrepreneurial university. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Zutshi, A., Mendy, J., Sharma, G. D., Thomas, A., & Sarker, T. (2021). From challenges to creativity: enhancing SMEs’ resilience in the context of COVID-19. Sustainability13(12), 6542.

Anand, A., Muskat, B., Creed, A., Zutshi, A., & Csepregi, A. (2021). Knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer and SMEs: evolution, antecedents, outcomes and directions. Personnel Review. https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-05-2020-0372/full/html

Pati, R., & Garud, N. (2021). Social Interaction and Crowdfunding Project Success: Moderating Roles of Product Development Stage and Product Innovativeness. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

Pati, R., Ghobadian, A., Nandakumar, M. K., Hitt, M. A., & O’Regan, N. (2021). Entrepreneurial behavior and firm performance: The mediating role of business model novelty. R&D Management51(5), 551-567.

Menzies, J., Orr, S., & Paul, J. (2020). SME internationalisation: The relationship between social capital and entry mode. Management International Review60(4), 623-650.

Pati, R. K., Nandakumar, M. K., Ghobadian, A., Ireland, R. D., & O’Regan, N. (2018). Business model design–performance relationship under external and internal contingencies: Evidence from SMEs in an emerging economy. Long Range Planning51(5), 750-7

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