The team
ITOT Research Collaborative Leads
Professor Dominique E. Martin, MBBS, BA(Hons), PhDDominique is Professor of Health Ethics and Professionalism in the School of Medicine at Deakin University. She is also an adjunct professor at the Australian Centre for Health Law Research (ACHLR) at QUT. With a background in medicine and philosophy, Dominique is involved in teaching and research. Dominique’s research focuses on ethical issues in nephrology, organ and tissue donation, and transplantation, and on professionalism in healthcare. Her interest in ITOT began when she served as a member of the Steering Committee for the 2008 Istanbul Summit which produced the Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism. She is a longstanding member of the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group, which she co-chaired in 2018, and led the development of the 2018 Edition of the Declaration. She currently represents Oceania on the Council of the international Transplantation Society (TTS) and is co-chair of the Education Committee of TTS. She is also an Associate Editor of Transplantation, and has served as an ethics consultant to the World Health Organization and the Australian Organ and Tissue Authority. |
Dr Georgina L. Irish, MBBS, FRACP, MMed (ClinEpi)![]()
Georgina is a Transplant Nephrologist based at the Royal Adelaide Hospital with experience in working in Australian and United Kingdom Transplant Centers. She is an epidemiologist with biostatics skills with a Masters of Clinical Epidemiology and is currently undertaking a PhD investigating decision-making in kidney transplantation. Georgina is the Director of Projects and Analytics for the ANZDATA Registry, and the Medical Director of Transplant Australia. She is also a member of the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group Council.
Researchers, Advisors, and Supporters
- Prof Toby Coates (Australia)
- Professor Riadh A. S. Fadhil (Qatar)
- Professor Jayme Locke (United States)
- Dr Maggie Ma (Hong Kong)
- Mr Mario Martin Gonzales (Spain
- Professor Elmi Muller (South Africa)
- Dr Benita Padilla (Philippines)
- Ms Maria Dolores Perojo (Spain)
- Dr Alicia Perez-Blanco (Spain)
Student Researchers
- Ms Alice Jiang (Australia)
- Ms Amy Lundgren (Australia
- Ms Georgina Soo (Australia)