The AARE gender, sexualities and cultural studies (GS&CS) special interest group (SIG) invites you to attend a one-day event on difficult knowledges-methodologies in educational practice-research.

Date: Saturday 30th November
Time: 9am-4pm (Registration & Morning Tea 9.30am-10am)
Location: Level 5, E Block, Queensland University of Technology

Register here


The event will provide opportunities for researchers, young people, teachers, principals, community stakeholders and other practitioners to engage in collective and collegial dialogue around concepts that are often framed as “difficult” knowledges in educational spaces (e.g. gender, sexualities, social justice and activism). For researchers, this dialogue might also extend to a deeper engagement with how “difficult” knowledges impact on methodological decision-making processes and practices.


The event features a Keynote presentation from Professor Louisa Allen, Auckland University who specialises in research in the areas of sexualities, gender, young people and schooling and innovative research methodologies which seek to engage hard to reach research populations. 

The event will also host speakers invited from a range of national educational, university and community settings including:

  • Dr Jacqueline Ullman (Western Sydney University)
  • Ms Alice Elwell (Queensland Academy for Creative Industries & Deakin University)
  • Dr Kirstine Hand (True Relationships & Health)
  • Youth representatives from Open Doors, Brisbane. 

In addition to presentations and panel discussions, the event will include arts-based workshops and smaller break-out discussion sessions as a means to generate discussions and focus on action orientated outcomes.

A brief outline of what you can expect from the day:

9.30am-10am: Morning Tea & Registration

10am-11am: Keynote: Prof Louisa Allen (Auckland University)

11am-12.30pm Session 1: Becomings: Navigating “difficult” knowledges-methodologies in educational spaces

12.30pm-1.15pm Lunch provided

1.15pm-2.45pm Session 2: Communities: Building and maintaining communities in responding to “difficult” knowledges

2.45pm-3pm: Afternoon Tea provided

3-4pm: Session 3: Future(s) orientated approaches: Response-ability and negotiating “difficult” knowledges 

*The full program of workshops and speakers will be released in the coming week.

We hope this event will be an invaluable platform to forge strategic connections and build meaningful relationships between attendees, particularly those working ‘on the ground’, including young people (from local schools, student councils and youth groups) who are at the receiving end of the ways in which this difficult knowledge is navigated and negotiated (or not).

If you have any queries about the event feel free to contact the SIG co-convenors:

Dr Leanne Coll  [email protected] 

Dr Lisa van Leent:   [email protected]

Dr Annette Bromdal: [email protected] 



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