Message from the Vice-Chancellor

Welcome to this December issue of dKin Difference, the last for 2018.

Next year will be an important year for Deakin as its welcomes its next Vice-Chancellor in July 2019. Council appointed Professor Iain Martin after an extensive international search and he will be Deakin University’s seventh Vice-Chancellor. Our Chancellor believes Professor Martin will be an excellent fit for Deakin; he shares Deakin’s view that students are a university’s true north and he believes in Deakin’s overall strategy and values.

One of the privileges of being Vice-Chancellor at Deakin is the opportunity it gives me to witness the coming together of like-minded, generous people who also believe in our vision of access for all and research innovation that will change lives.

It has been my honour and privilege to meet so many of you and share in your philanthropic journeys. Together, we are making an impact on people’s lives – from Sri Lankan refugee Kavery Jeyakumar to the millions of people around the world who will benefit from the Food & Mood Centre’s groundbreaking research into the links between diet and mental health.

I thank you, our valued donors, supporters, partners and staff, for opening your world to include Deakin in your story. I am so very proud to be part of an inspiring Deakin community that values fairness and equal access to opportunities, dedication in the face of adversity, innovative thinking, and the ability to bring others along in pursuit of a remarkable tomorrow.

As we approach the end of the year, I wish all our Deakin community an enjoyable festive season and a safe and relaxing summer.

Best wishes,

Professor Jane den Hollander AO