Items with category:Student Blogs

Will the real nutrition experts please stand up?

It’s a confusing time to be a consumer. These days, anyone with good sales skills,...

Malnutrition: why chocolate is better than soup

Malnutrition is not just a problem seen in developing countries; a large number of Australians...

Paleo-mythic diet and why you should be consuming whole grains

The Paleo diet is today’s hottest dietary trend. It’s all about eating primal to mirror...

Paleo says no to grains. But is it justified?

The Paleo (Paleolithic) diet, designed to replicate the diet of pre-agricultural hunter-gathers, lay somewhat dormant...

Are nutrition labels effective in encouraging healthy dietary practices?

Food labels are integral to informing consumers about just what they are eating. Deakin Master...

The Alkaline Diet: Fact or Fad?

The idea that certain foods can alter the acidity or alkalinity of your body, and...

Coconut Confusion

Coconut oil. Coconut water. The world it seems has gone coconuts for coconuts. To see...

Milking the Facts – which one is best?

With such an enormous and ever-growing selection of milks available in our supermarkets, you could...

Communicating nutrition: the keys to getting your message across

Nutrition and health messages are all around us, but outside well-informed health professionals, just how...

Preventing weight gain: 6 common strategies used by successful weight losers

Losing weight and keeping it off can be hard to do, however, maintenance of weight...

The intermittent fasting fad: a review of the 5:2 Diet

Intermittent fasting is ‘the’ diet of 2013. Third year Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition...

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