by Peta White | Mar 19, 2019 | Bio&Env Community Science Project
Maggots: Mistake Creepy Crawlies? Explore website "Maggots: Mistaken Creepy Crawlies?" Students investigate ecosystems and their organisms and the various interactions between them. They consider the scientific research into the role maggots play in...
by Peta White | Mar 19, 2019 | Earth&Space Community Science Project
Explore website "Fossils" This learning sequence has been developed to engage secondary science students with the contemporary science topic on fossils. Professor Guang Shi’s expertise in geology and palaeontology and research on marine fossilisation...
by Peta White | Mar 19, 2019 | Bio&Env Community Science Project
Explore website "Nanotoxicology" The purpose of this website is to assist teachers and students understand the importance of nanotoxicology and the role it plays in the real world and how it can be introduced within the Year 9 science curriculum. Indicate...
by Peta White | Mar 19, 2019 | Bio&Env Community Science Project
Explore website "Nanomedicine" This website aims to educate students in Years 7 to 9 about nanotechnology and its applications in medicine specifically in developing new methods for preventing and treating diseases in humans. This website provides a simple...
by Peta White | Mar 19, 2019 | Chemistry
Explore website "Matter of Fact" This site provides teachers with multiple activities aimed at Years 7-8 to engage students on the topic of matter in an interesting way. The following resources support student and teacher focus of Levels 7 and 8 Victorian...
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