Deakin eResearch – April Training Workshop

Deakin eResearch (DUeR) has scheduled a training workshop on Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R @ Deakin Burwood.

Why do this course?

R is quickly gaining popularity as a programming language for statisticians, data scientists and researchers. It has an excellent ecosystem including the powerful RStudio and the Shiny web application framework.

Learn to use RStudio, which allows program code, results, visualisations and documentation to be blended seamlessly.

Join this live coding workshop where you will write programs that produce results, using the researcher-focused training modules from the highly regarded Software Carpentry Foundation

 You will learn:

  • Advanced programming concepts and techniques in R.
  • Dataframe manipulation in R using the dplyr and tidyr packages.
  • Visualisation in R using the ggplot2 package.
  • Best practices for writing code in R using RStudio.


A good knowledge of the basic concepts and techniques in R. Consider taking the Introduction to Programming in R course to come up to speed beforehand.


When: Wednesday, 17-04-2019, 09:30 – 16:30

Where: V2.71, Deakin Library Burwood

Capacity: 24

Details & Registration @

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